Holy Basil, or the Tulsi plant is native to India and grows wild in Asia and Malaysia. It is a sacred herb in the Hindu religion and is commonly grown in earthen pots in Hindu homes and gardens. Holy Basil is known by many names that clue us to the soul nature of this plant. The Latin name of one variety - Ocimum sanctum, means “the incomparable one” or “sacred fragrant lipped basil”. It is also referred to as the “Queen of Herbs”, “Mother Medicine of Nature” and the “The Elixir of Life.”
The Mother Medicine of Nature has been used in India for thousands of years as a principle herb of Ayurveda – the oldest known holistic health system and is still widely practiced today. Ayurveda means “knowledge of life” and this ancient medical science has promoted the physical, mental and spiritual health-promoting properties of the Tulsi plant for over 5000 years. Holy Basil is mentioned in the Charak Samhita (the central teaching of ayurvedic medicine) which was written at least two thousand years ago.

The Elixir of Life

Holy Basil is used in ayurvedic medicine to treat common colds, headaches, stomach disorders, inflammation, heart disease, various forms of poisoning, and malaria. It is considered an excellent adaptogen, which means that it helps the body adapt to stresses, restore balance, and normalize functions. Ayurveda classifies Holy Basil as a “Rasyana”: an herb that nourishes a person's growth to perfect health and promotes long life.
Current research around the world is studying the many beneficial properties of Holy Basil and providing strong evidence of its effectiveness for health and wellness applications. Holy Basil “has been found effective for cancer, diabetes, high cholesterol levels, stress, wound healing, the immune system, inflammations, liver support and protection, hypoglycemic conditions, ulcers, digestion, chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis, radiation poisoning, cataracts, the memory, respiratory system, urinary problems, eczema, psoriasis and other skin conditions, and it is an antioxidant.” - Mountain Rose Herbs
An article by Dr. Mercola, The Morning Drink that Can Slow Down Your Aging Process , lists these potential health benefits attributed to Tulsi:

  • Helps promote your respiratory system health*
  • Supports your healthy vision*
  • Antioxidant protection against free radicals*
  • Helps alleviate minor discomfort and irritation*
  • Provides a calming effect and relief from occasional stress*
  • Helps bolster your immune system*
  • May even give your stamina a boost*
  • Helps promote your healthy metabolism*
  • Balances the health of your digestive system*
  • Helps maintain blood sugar levels in the normal range*
  • Provides you with skeletal and joint support*
  • Aids in supporting normal cholesterol levels* 
3 GALLON PLANT $10.00 

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